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- Leaflet
- CodeMirror
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-free 5.15.4 ((CC-BY-4.0 AND OFL-1.1 AND MIT)), @maplibre/maplibre-gl-leaflet 0.0.20 (ISC), @openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema 3.5.1 (ISC), bulma 0.9.4 (MIT), canvg 4.0.1 (MIT), codemirror 2.38.00 (undefined), colorbrewer 1.5.7 ([object Object]), colormap 2.3.2 (MIT), html2canvas 1.4.1 (MIT), jquery 3.7.1 (MIT), jquery-ui 1.13.2 (MIT), jquery-ui-dist 1.13.2 (MIT), leaflet 1.9.4 (BSD-2-Clause), leaflet-polylineoffset 1.1.1 (MIT), leaflet-locationfilter 0.1.3 (MIT), lodash 4.17.21 (MIT), maplibre-gl 3.3.1 (BSD-3-Clause), osm-auth 2.2.0 (ISC), osmtogeojson 3.0.0-beta.5 (MIT), rgbcolor 1.0.1 (MIT OR SEE LICENSE IN FEEL-FREE.md), stackblur 1.0.0 (BSD-2-Clause), tag2link 2024.05.21 (ISC), togpx 0.5.4 (MIT), tokml 0.4.0 (BSD-2-Clause)